
Banzai Cloud

Building operating system for your containers and clouds

In January, 2021 Banzai Cloud was acquired by Cisco. More info here.

Based on Kubernetes, Banzai Cloud takes care of all the details that make developers ecstatic, ops people a little less grumpy, and your finance guy feel like he’s a rock star. The company offers a platform for its partners to set up and scale container-based applications efficiently. There’s something in it for everyone!

Dive down the Pipeline to increased efficiency!

When we met the Banzai Cloud team in 2018, the shift towards container deployment was palpable. Since then, the trend has only accelerated, and we fell in love with how the open-source solution rode the Kubernetes wave perfectly. The team showed enormous technical expertise during launch. Their commitment enabled them to become central players in the industry with their own platform.